Our clients are real game changers.
They operate in strategic industries and are leading in their sectors. PUBLIC INTEREST supports a circle of 30 selected clients, among which large Austrian corporations, international blue-chips and globally operating investors. What do we specifically pride ourselves on? Our relations with our clients are almost exclusively long-term, close partnerships. With top-notch expertise, we can make a difference in the following industries:
The European telecommunications industry is undergoing a major evolution: Technological and regulatory challenges range from broadband roll-out and investment in the brand-new mobile communications standard 5G to the reform of European policy with regard to e-privacy. At the same time, digitization, with its myriad opportunities and risks, has become a fundamental factor for future generations’ economic environment. Europe’s telco industry is thus confronted with major challenges that require highly professional and effective communications on all business levels.
Digitization is disruption. Blockchain & Co. will pave the way to a host of radically new business models. The evolution of value chains that had been stable for decades demands courage to change and innovate: Both from business leaders and government. The right way of communicating and forming new strategic alliances and partnerships are a critical success factor in the future’s digital eco-system. We are equipped to help you with that.
The traditional media landscape is in upheaval. Digital giants, social-media platforms and user-generated content –primarily originating in the United States – have become major competitors to traditional market players. Established media corporations have to be made resilient to those developments. On a societal level, the strong presence of “alternative facts” or “fake news” threatens the foundations of European societies. What are the media corporations’ answers? Professional communications can help finding some.
International competition, cost pressure and consumer demands require new, holistic and future-orientated logistics concepts. The availability of e-commerce opens up new avenues for providers of logistical and postal services. Robust market cultivation requires a modern form of media and political communications. This way, logistics corporations can gain momentum and position themselves ideally in a dynamic competitive environment.
Making apt use of technologies and the harmonization of different modes of transportation are a conditio sine qua non for a modern economy to function. A more coherent co-operation between multimodal, new traffic and transport systems poses major challenges to businesses: Transportation is fast becoming a digital, cutting-edge service industry. At the same time, ecological targets have to be met and investments in the future be guaranteed. For transportation businesses, it is therefore key to actively shape the political and economic environment of their industries via strategic communications.
As the systemically relevant sector par excellence, financial services firms face growing regulatory pressure. More than in any other industry, regulators in Vienna, Brussels and Basel have a direct impact on day-to-day business and room for entrepreneurial maneuver of banks and insurance companies. Professional communication strategies are critical in actively managing these risks and implementing sustainable, long-term strategies for growth.
Manufacturing industries are and remain the backbone of Europe’s economic fabric. Yet they are also exposed to massive global competition. Over the course of the next years, irreversible investment decisions will have to be made. At the same time, the extensive risks inherent in global trade will have to be managed. Particularly – but not only –in B2B industries, strategic communication is critical to succeed in international trade and competition.
Societies that are increasingly oriented towards sustainability poses considerable challenges to the mining and commodities industry. At the same time, unrestricted access to scarce international mineral and other resources is critically important for Europe’s industrialized economies. As the middle class expands – particularly in countries like China and India, the world’s appetite for commodities will only grow more urgent. All this highlights that the transformation of traditional industry business models is inevitable. And transformation processes are particularly auspicious when supported by coherent, effective strategic communication.
If the Austrian Federal Government’s plans hold, electricity will stem from exclusively renewable sources by 2030. In addition to decarburization, developments in digitization, the decentralization of energy supply and the regulatory overhaul of Europe’s common electricity market poses major challenges to the energy industry. Active and coordinated strategic communication is thus the order of the day for European energy corporations.
Investments in modern environmental technologies are investments in an ecologically efficient future. Future-oriented trend like the promotion of the circular economy are high up on the European Union’s agenda. The applications of strategic communications to this sector are thus particularly diverse and range from supporting business in international competitions to building long-term alliances and partnership projects.
The world’s population grows older every second. Life Sciences, Pharmaceuticals and Public Health sectors are thus among the classic growth industries of the European economy. But in addition to economic factors, these industries also have an enormous societal and ethical responsibility. That’s why regulatory pressure on these sectors tends to be disproportionately high. Target-oriented communication strategies can help to reduce risks and successfully position companies on the world economic stage.
In the light of Austria’s long agricultural tradition, the primary sector is among the sectors in which political decisions have the most direct impact. Today, European agriculture is an effective ambassador for ecological supply systems, modern landscape preservation and extra-ordinary quality of life. Far beyond farming subsidies, government dictates the parameters for successful agriculture businesses, from protected origins to global trade policy. Acting cohesively with regard to communication and building effective alliances is therefore critical for business success in this industry.
Today’s tourism industry benefits from structured, target-oriented communication on a number of levels: Nation Branding, or Region Branding, that is building a long-term attractive image for macro- or microregions, are a critical success factor for modern tourism management. Equally important for businesses in this sector is direct communication with political decision-makers, in order to guarantee fair rules and a level playing field in the international competition of destinations and manage other tourism-specific challenges (e.g. labor deficits).
European democracies are confronted with major challenges: In times of rigid budgets, using taxpayer euros efficiently and in way that is oriented towards the future, is the order of the day. In economic policy, governments have to set the course to enable European businesses to compete internationally and provide for future growth and prosperity. The risks stemming from globalization, digitization and climate change have to be managed actively. Courageous, political reforms, resolutely supported by target-oriented campaigns are therefore the order of the day.